
Announcing Recommended Learning Actions for Leaptree Optimize

We’ve added Recommended Learning Actions (RLA) to Leaptree Optimize to help your CX QA Managers dynamically identify skills gaps with their CX agents and resolve them through a proactive learning based approach.

Why It’s Useful

Within a typical CX QA Scorecard process, a CX assessor will rate a Call Center Agent on a variety of different areas for a specific engagement with a customer (take a phone call, for example). These assessment areas can range from tangible requirements such as KYC (Know Your Customer)/Compliance to more subjective elements such as tone of voice, manner, conflict resolution skills, and so on. However, what the evaluator cannot see [while assessing the agent] is ongoing negative trends within a specific area(s) for which this agent is consistently scoring below the standard required. 

Take KYC, for example, this needs to be 100% all the time–anything below this standard consistently causes real concern. Leaptree Optimize RLA will identify these trends and prompt the CX Evaluator for action–such as assigning a Self-Paced Learning module for the agent to complete. 

This approach ensures proactive, laser-focused, ongoing professional development of your customer support teams, ensuring the standards are raised all the time.

How It Works

In the below example, we demonstrate a CX evaluator completing an agent assessment, RLA identifying an ongoing negative trend that has an associated learning module (MyTrailHead is the Learning Management System in this example but you may use others), and then assigning a task to the agent to complete the learning module.

We’ll also briefly show you how we can configure the RLA setup. Please click the purple dot in the video here to see how it all works.

Find Out More

Leaptree Recommended Learning Actions is part of the Leaptree Optimize Enterprise edition. To find out more please click here to arrange a call ->

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