
Announcing Analyze Member For Leaptree Incentivize

Demystify sales commissions and give your sales team the future insights they need to stay motivated.

We're thrilled to introduce Analyze Member, the latest game-changing feature for Leaptree Incentivize! Designed to revolutionize how your sales team approaches commission modeling and forecasting, Analyze Member provides unparalleled insights to keep your team motivated and empowered. Here's what's in store:

  • Enhanced Visibility: With Analyze Member, your sales team gains access to a personalized dashboard, offering accurate estimates of their future commission earnings. In a few clicks, they can delve into their commission plans and gain valuable insights into their performance.
  • Detailed Insights: From payouts to pending deals, Analyze Member provides all the essential details your sales team needs to stay motivated. Explore breakdowns of payouts to date, commissions banked for the current period, and pending deals awaiting commission. Plus, discover which deals are poised to earn commission and their corresponding values at the end of the period.
  • Advanced Modeling: Simplify the forecasting process with intuitive modeling options tailored to your team's needs. Whether your salespeople have a single quota target or multiple targets with individual KPIs, Analyze Member has it covered. Run models at the plan level to forecast total earnings and anticipate payouts with precision.
  • Flexible Adjustments: Adjust percentages with ease to see how they impact overall figures. Whether evaluating pipeline deals or assessing future performance, Analyze Member offers the flexibility your team needs to make informed decisions and drive success.

Ready to see it in action? Take an interactive tour in the click through video below:

When done right, dynamic sales commission forecasting can be a game-changer and this latest release expands the functionality of our Analyze feature, which lets sales leaders to use active commission plans to uncover potential impact with dynamic “what-if” scenario modeling. Devise, compare, and assess plans and unlock future potential!

Ready to learn more? Click here to get a demo →

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